I tried this, but didn't think to mention it as it turned out to be a dead end it doesn't work on the. Have you dealt with unit圓d files? Any idea of a different way to extract them that may leave more metadata in place? Or maybe a way to identify/extract video from what I've got? Thank you!Įdit: Someone, in a now-deleted comment, suggested using Unity Asset Explorer on the files. Now I'm stuck, as I have over 21K extension-less files and no idea how to move forward. When I tried using TTDecomp on them, I got a message saying that they aren't actually archives. I used Trid on a couple of the larger files, which it said were TTComp archives. I haven't been able to find any trace of the cutscenes. I've been able to find battle dialogue for almost all characters using Audacity to extract the clips, but their cutscene monologues elude me. Some of them have names indicating what's inside (EG: CAB-ps5401_voice_heroSnd_pack_us_win) but many offer no clues (CAB-ev_0332_020_a00_packm_win).
Now I have a ton of extension-less files. I wrote a quick PowerShell script that used Disunity to unpack all of the files. In the Hash folder are a bunch of subfolders, each of which contains files with a. I'm trying to get character audio out of a game Steam game created in Unity.